1. Exercising the in-between
Exercising the In-between challenges the exclusivity of national identity through a composition of exercises written from people’s perceptions of Wabi-Sabi, an aesthetic concept part of Japanese national identity. ︎︎︎
2. Sensing turbidity

The project developed into an exploration into how this turbidity could be sensed and what the sensors would be. This thought also began to try to contextualize the turbidity within this conflict between human activity and sea through the lens of a non human, a being closer to the sea scape than a human and a bio indicator of water quality, a mussel.
Taking queues from the filtration of the mussel and using the materiality of the marine clay as a way to sense, the sensor took shape from traditional clay forming techniques of slip casting. ︎︎︎
3. Interspecies borders - Asking a Black Kite

This is a site specific project explores how rewilding the bird of prey, the Black Kite, to Millingerwaard, a nature reserve in Kerkerdom investigating interspecies borders and posing a question at the site. ︎︎︎
4. Into the fold

Into the Fold was a project conducting research into the paradoxical relationship between the cultural relationship of sacred forests and the globalised trade of timber in Japan. ︎︎︎
5. Flat jug

Flat Jug plays with permanence in the impermanent through the idea of copying an industrially produced form and recreating it with hand crafted forms. ︎︎︎
6. Saisei

Sansei is an alternative mending method constructed from reinterpreted joints inspired by Japanese joinery to build a support for broken pieces of furniture. Playing with two contrasting aesthetics and bringing visible repair to the forefront. ︎︎︎
7. Common Roots

A collaborative project made at MAD Summerschool in Sigulda, Latvia. The project revolves around creating new rituals of communal meals from the nestling bowls in the table being passed around with the act of passing them around and sharing with your neighbour. ︎︎︎